Gone with the Rain Opens to Full Crowd

Pigeon Creek’s amateur dramatic society performed Gone with the Rain last night. Opening to a full crowd, the audience was wowed by the brilliance of the script, written by an anonymous benefactor who also donated the funds to have the show produced and for the costume department. 

With Eloise Grant picking up the lead role, Freddy Standsberry as her male counterpart, we were taken on a riveting display as their families unraveled around them upon the discovery that Grant’s character was having a long-term affair with her brother-in-law, played by Calder McAllister. 

The chemistry on stage was worthy of a Tony! 

GONE WITH THE RAIN will be running for the next four weekends. Tickets can be purchased at any establishment in town. All proceeds will be split between funding the society’s next project and the purchasing of a second defibrillator—the first was kindly donated by the Seven Cs. 

This article triggered a Letter to the Editor.

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