Reporting Truth, Not Gossip

Dear Editor, 

While GONE WITH THE RAIN was a fabulous display of local home-grown talent, how you failed to mention the whole fiasco with Mrs. Drury and Mr. Habiton is proof of this paper’s inability to report the truth! 

Everyone knows that Mrs. Brown has a drinking problem but no one is willing to do anything about it! One Pinot Grigio too many and she’s crashing into the backdrop like a drunken elephant leaving the audience to witness the real-life adultery between Mrs. Drury and her brother-in-law Mr. Habiton. How her sister will survive the shame is beyond me. I did notice that Mr. Drury moved into the Inn last night. 

Do better to report the facts, Editor! 

Mr. Corven 

Dear Mr. Corven, 

It’s a journalist’s duty to report the truth, not gossip. It’s certainly a journalist’s duty not to spread rumors around a town. 

This Editor will not be a party to the further destruction of a family and ruined marriages. 

It is you who should do better, Mr. Corven. To encourage such tattle is shameful. 


The Editor 

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